BEHIND THE PARANORMAL: 2021 Show Talking Points

Here you can find graphics and other radio-unfriendly items that enhance the discussion points of certain shows.

October 17 - #916 - "The Village of Voices Case: 50 Years"

with Paul & Ben Eno

The 1970 Hartford Courant newspaper article that caught Paul Eno's attention, resulting in his first field case. The man in the picture is local historian Harry Chase of Pomfret, Connecticut. The "Lost Settlement," "Lost Village" or "Village of Voices"  was occupied from just before the American Revolution to the end of the 19th century.

Paul (upper left) with student colleagues and Harry Chase at the entrance to the Village of Voices, August 1971.



The famous "Baby in the Tree" photo captured a phenomenon reported by inhabitants more than a century before.

In October 1971, Paul brought a mostly-new group. here, they explore the village cemetery, where so many paranormal incidents took place.

Part of the group participating in the October-November 1971 expedition to the Village of Voices. At far left is Marcel, the greatest skeptic who ended up having the weirdest experiences. The two young men in front later became priests. That's Paul Eno at right.

July 25 - #905 - "They Saw the UFO Crash"

with Paola Leopizzi Harris and Steve Laplume

The Silumin Bracket reportedly taken from the craft by the children in 1945.

Our guest, Paola Leopizzi Harris, with eyewitness Jose Padilla, a child at the time of the 1945 crash.



A diagram of the bracket as found.

January 31 - #881 - "The Burton Dassett UFO Encounters of 1923"

with Richard Rokeby

Courtesy of our guest, here are photos from his book on the UFO incidents of 1923. Clockwise from left:

-The book cover

-All Saints Church

-A sunset scene in the Burton Dassett Hills

-Windmill Hill as seen from Magpie Hill